Stiftelsen PsykodramaAkademin
Sedan 1987
Stiftelsen har till ändamål att främja utveckling, utbildning och forskning kring metoderna psykodrama sociodrama och sociometri.Medlem i Fepto- Federation of European Psychodrama training Organisation

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What is Psychodrama?
Psychodrama is a tool to use when you need clarity, make decisions, develop skills, understand yourself and others. The key concepts in the psychodrama are to "figure" and "show". In addition to many psychological methods of self-awareness, personality development, treatment, education and influence, the psychodrama is not only the verbal language that conveys the dynamics of change and creation processes. In the gap between who you are and the one you have the potential to be and become, the outer concrete world connects with the inner. More about psychodrama, sociodrama, sociometry and sociology The psychodrama has its roots in the Greek drama. The psychodrama means that a group in action illuminates and forgets human inner conflicts. The psychodrama combines science and art. Sociometry describes the human network of relationships in groups. Sociodrama explores both the role of social role and major group processes in organizations and society.
The method can be used in:
professional guidance management development
business and public administration
work and environmental issues
theater, music, dance, image, writing
educational activities
therapeutic activity

Moreno, who created this triad, was one of the first to investigate social networks and how to form the basis for organizing people. He also coined the concept of group psychotherapy, but found that this term was too limited for the subject he wanted to enter into the scientific scene. In parallel, Moreno therefore used the concept of sociology, which he saw as an umbrella under which could be the psychodrama, sociometry, sociodrama and group psychotherapy. Moreno believes that sociology contains parts of concepts such as investigation, analysis, forecasting, prevention and treatment for and for individuals and groups.
Freud was a precursor in exploring human inner worlds. Moreno was a precursor in exploring interpersonal territory and human encounter with himself and fellow human beings. Psychoanalysis wants to provide insight into our subconscious, while sociology wants to create insights into underlying control factors in interpersonal interaction. Moreno believes we deny the so-called pathology of the normal group and its treatment needs, even though we constantly see how individuals or groups of people are being isolated, disposed of, even denied and extinct. Human health's social health depends on how the "ordinary" man and the everyday groups relate, organize and create management structures. In the educational activities of the PsychodramaAcademy, knowledge is based on a sociological perspective. The education goes from an individual perspective to group, organization and society to seek a comprehensive understanding of the human dialogue and action pattern.